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All of these missiles are different sizes, and carry different payloads.

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Q: Are tank missiles different from battleship missiles and airplane missiles?
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Did they use antitank missiles at the kokoda track?

Anti-Tank rockets (like bazookas) or recoilless rifles that fire anti-tank High-explosive rounds could have been used in the jungles against bunkers or fortifications. But not "Anti-tank missiles". The anti-tank (guided) missiles were developed after WW2.

How much oxygen is in a tank on an airplane?

Oxygen in an airplane is not carried in a tank, it is the result of a chemical reaction. The oxygen will last for approximately ten to fifteen minutes.

How powerful are a modern battleship's guns?

i think it has the power equivalent to about 20 tank shots

Where does waste go on an airplane?

It goes into a holding tank on the airplane. It is then pumped off when the aircraft is at the airport.

What can a bustard do in Gameloft's Gangstar Rio?

Well, it can shoot missiles(same one with the tank)

Where does human waste go on an airplane?

It goes into a holding tank on the airplane. It is then pumped off when the aircraft is at the airport.

Did Da Vince invented the tank?

He certainly produced drawings for a mobile armoured battleship that could fire weapons.

What happens when you flush a toilet on an airplane?

Nothing it goes into a holding tank

An airplane specifically designed to fly to high altitudes may have?

an added tank

An airplane specifically designed to fly at high altitude may have?

an added tank

How much gas does a airplane hold?

A Boeing 747 tanks capacity is 54,206 gallons, different models of aircraft would have a different tank capacity.

Where is the gas tank on an airplane?

Usually in the wings. However, there are some older small planes that have the tank located behind the instrument panel.