

Are sunnis right

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11y ago

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Every one in this world believes what religion or dogma he believes in to be the right one. About the two branches of Islam, Sunni Muslims do follow the literal commands of Allah & His messenger Muhammad -peace be upon Him- which is the genuine Islam.

However, Shiaa Muslims are not just one group. Rather,they are many & they vary in being similar to Sunnis. Some are near, others are really too far.

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& I have a firm belief that Shia Muslims are on the right Islam. Sincere Muslim I believe Sunni Muslims are on the right path of Islam. Sincere Muslim

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The Shiites are around 15% of total Muslim population while Sunnis are around 85%. So, the ratio of Sunnis to Shiites is around 6 to 1

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No, Shiites outnumber Sunnis in Iraq. However, Sunnis over the world outnumber Shiites. World statistics is that Sunnis Muslim world percentage is 85% of total world Muslims. While Shiites are less than 15%. Refer to question below for more information.

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Currently, the government in Syria makes the majority Sunnis second-class citizens in their own country.

Where are the sunnis?

Most Parts of the world.

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No They are not Sunnis. They are Shiites.

Are there more Sunni's or Shiites in the world percentage?

the Sunnis are the majority and the shiites are the minority.therefore the numbers of Sunnis are more than shiites populations.