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If prepaid expanses represents current year expenses then it is current assets

in fact, prepaid expenses are current assets. why? this is because you had paid in advance for the item you want to purhase. eg, if u renting a building which cost u $100000, but u paid $200000, then that additional paid amount is your asset. what is the definition of assets? well, there are 3 component that makes them up. by understanding these 3 component, u can more or less classify items u are not sure. first component, it brings future economic benefits, second you have control over it, and third, it rises from a past event. hopes this help :-)

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Q: Are prepaid expense a current asset?
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What is prepaid expense and where is it reported in the financial statements?

Prepaid expense is that amount of expense which is paid in advance and expense is not actually incurred and prepaid expense is current assets of business and show under assets side of balances heet.

Is rent expense an current asset or non current assets?

Rent expense is an expense. If you pre-pay it (prepaid expense), it is a current asset, because you are generally only going to be prepaying it for like a month or so in advance.. Current asset - financial benefits received within 12 months. Non-current asset - financial benefit received beyond 12 months.

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Is prepaid rent is what type of asset?

Prepaid Rent is a Current-Asset account. Since it deals with "prepaid" it will expire on a regular basis and is not a "fixed" asset. Each month (or whatever terms the rent may be paid) the amount is removed from Prepaid-Rent and placed in Rent Expense.

Is prepaid rent is asset?

Yes, any expense paid in advance is current asset as the actual benefit will be taken in future time period.

Is a prepaid expense on the balance sheet or the income statements?

A prepaid expense is an asset listed on the balance sheet.

What does an asset expense relationship exist with?

prepaid expense adjusting entries

Which type of account is prepaid expenses?

Prepaid expense is personal account in nature and default normal balance is debit balance and shown under current asset in asset side of balance sheet.

Is prepaid insurance a current asset or fixed asset?

Current Asset

What type of account is a prepaid expense account?

A prepaid expense account is an asset, thus not a temporary account either.

What account type is a prepaid expense account?

A prepaid expense account is an asset, thus not a temporary account either.