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Q: Are padrinos considered part of the extended family?
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Use extended family in a sentence?

It depends how long your sentence is for. If you're serving less than one year, I wouldn't use extended family very much. Your "nuclear" family should be able to visit you and provide you with what you need. If you're serving a longer sentence, like 25-to-life, then you can REALLY use your extended family then.

Is a first cousin part of your immediate family?

No. A first cousin is part of your extended family. An immediate family is just parents and their children.

What do you call your son-in-law's sister?

Use their first name. You aren't related as you do not share a common ancestor.

Are you related to your brother-in-law?

Not for means of kinship, but they are often a part of the extended family.

Are large-nosed chimaera not considered a chimaera family?

They are part of the Chimera family.

Is your son's wife considered immediate family for insurance purposes?

She is part of his immediate family.

Are godparents part of extended family?

Just because someone is your godparent does not make them part of your family; however, godparents may be part of a family. For example, an aunt can be the godmother of her nephew or a father's life-long best friend can be the godfather to his (the father's) son.

Are kookaburras part of large groups?

No. Kookaburras live in family groups. These family groups establish their own territory. Family groups may consist of a single mating pair, or a larger extended family group.

Is your sister part of your nuclear family?

Yes, your sister is part of your nuclear family. A nuclear family usually consists of two parents, a mom and a dad, and however many number of children they have. Things like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins do not apply to your nuclear family. They are apart of your extended family.

Does The Cowbell Belong To The Percussion Family?

Yes, it does. To be more in depth, the cowbell actually is a part of the auxillary percussion family, but it is still considered part of the percussion family(general percussion).

What orchestral family do the sleigh bells belong to?

Generally, they are considered part of percussion.

What person would be considered part of a caste system?

Estaban, who was born into a family with power and is now considered part of the highest group based on his ascribed status