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I honestly have no clue but I would guess so.... let me know how that works out. : :-0 -Logan

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Q: Are lower abdominal pain restlessness diarrhea little nausea and period cramps but no period for 10 days signs of being pregnant?
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What is symptomatic of salmonellosis in pregnant women and newborns?

Symptoms of salmonellosis can be severe in pregnant women and newborns and may include diarrhea; fever; abdominal cramps; and, rarely, meningitis.

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DO women have abdominal cramps at 3 weeks pregnant?

im 3 weeks pregnant right now, and my cramps just feel like period cramps.

What are the main symptoms of shigellosis?

The major symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, and severe fluidloss (dehydration ).

How does dysentery attacks and spreads?

Dysentery is a disease you get from contaminated food. it can cause bloody vomit or diarrhea, cramps, frequent loose stools, abdominal pain, fatigue, intermittent constipation, diarrhea with abdominal swelling, and flatulence.

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They need to be cooked, otherwise the dog can get diarrhea, as well as abdominal cramps and nausea.

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Symptoms I know of can include: Severe Diarrhea with blood, frequent loose stools, abdominal pain, cramps, and fatigue

What are the symptoms of cryptosporidia?

the major symptom is diarrhea, which is often watery and incapacitating. Dehydration, low-grade fever, nausea, and abdominal cramps are frequent.

What are the side effects of antirheumatic drugs?

abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, headache, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills, and mouth sores.

What does gastroenteritis feel like?

Major symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea , and abdominal cramps. Fever and overall weakness sometimes accompany these symptoms.

What are the effects of arsenic poisoning?

The signs of arsenic poisoning are a feeling of malaise, fatigue, tremors, and severe abdominal cramps. Confusion and diarrhea are also present.

What type of dysentery is caused by worms?

whipworm (trichuriasis) and flatworm or fluke (schistosomiasis) infestations may produce the violent diarrhea and abdominal cramps associated with dysentery.