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Actually they mean the same thing but they are used in two totally different situations.

Interest Rate is the money paid by a bank that has accepted a deposit from a Customer.

Coupon Rate is the money paid by a person who has issued Bonds to people in return for the money they have given him.

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Q: Are interest rate and coupon rate the same?
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What is the difference between the coupon rate and the interest rate?

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Are interest rate and rate of return the same?

Yes, the interest rate and rate of return are exactly the same.

How are interest on a bond calculated?

Know the bond's face value, then, find the bond's coupon interest rate at the time the bond was issued or bought, then, multiply the bond's face value by the coupon interest rate it had when issued, then, know when your bond's interest payments are made, finally, multiply the product of the bond's face value and interest rate by the number of months in between payments.