

Are hydrogen peroxide molecules big

Updated: 9/23/2023
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7y ago

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No. All molecules are unimaginable tiny. The formula H2O2 shows that hydrogen peroxide molecules contain only 4 atoms, so they are small even compared to most other molecules.

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Q: Are hydrogen peroxide molecules big
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The enzyme in the liver (catalase) decomposes the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen molecules.

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It is a compound composed of molecules.

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I think it is 6H2O2

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A substrate is a substance in which an enzyme reacts. The substrate for catalase would be hydrogen peroxide otherwise known as H2O2.

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It's a combination of 2 hydrogen and 2 oxygen molecules. H2O2

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When two molecules of hydrogen peroxide break down, one molecule of water and one molecule of diatomic oxygen are produced.

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Yes, it would bubble because the bubbles are the result of the breakdown of two hydrogen peroxide molecules into oxygen and two water molecules.