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No. There are almost 2 billion children in the world, most of which are not receiving a good education, or any education at all. This violates the right to an education. We have right to not be tortured, however, a Briton is currently being detained in Iraq and tortured, without a trail. This doesn't only violate the right not to be tortured, but the right to a fair trail. So Iraq is a counrt in which human rights are not respected. Even in the UK and the USA, human rights are not respected. The right to not be discriminated against is violated constantly. Mainly at work, with people being discriminated because of the colour of their skin, their age, their sexuality, their religion etc.

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Q: Are human rights respected in all countries throughout the world?
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What did the declaration of human rights say?

The declaration stated that all people have certain human rights that should be respected by ''all peoples and all nations.''

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What human rights do people have in iceland?

Everyone has the same human rights, these are defined by the U.N not individual countries

What countries have poor human rights?

here are some of the countries: Syria Iran Saudi Arabia Iraq Some countries even consider America to have poor human rights. and many more.........................................................

Why countries should follow human rights?

because if there were no human rights many countries could suffer from the police and anyone can do anything to anyone and the higher rate of crime could increase more becausf the is no rights to protect anyone.

Will human rights be taken away from Christians?

A:Not in a liberal democracy. All we need to do is defend the human rights of all, regardless of religion or lack of religion. As long as this applies without fear or favour, then Christians and non-Christians alike will have their human rights respected.

Why might some countries ignore human rights?

because some leaders are scared when the people have power (human rights)

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Human rights in China?

The extent to which human rights are recognized and protected in the People's Republic of China is a matter currently in dispute between the government and the human rights bodies. China is one of the countries which is alleged to be in gross violation of the human rights.

How have communist governments performed throughout history?

Generally speaking, Communist countries have a horrible track record on questions of human rights, economic prosperity, social mobility, and internal stability.

Was the west a true example of defense of human rights?

No country or region has fully implemented human rights and there are numerous incidents which one could list from Western countries about how human rights were not respected. A perfect example would be how the US supported Pakistan when Pakistani forces killed millions of Bengalis. However, at least the West makes a commitment to the principles of Human Rights and tries to enforce them, however haphazardly. The enemies of the West, especially the leadership of the Islamic World, make no pretense about valuing Human Rights and actually sign aberrations like the "Cairo Declaration of Human Rights" which renounces freedoms of religion, freedoms of speech, and freedoms to protest among others.