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Quarks are considered to be fundamental particles, and as such they do not really have a classical "size". Their masses can be compared, however, and they are not the same for all types of quarks.

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Q: Are all quarks the same size?
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Do quarks have mass?

Since all protons and neutrons are made of quarks and they have mass, quarks must have mass (in fact they do).

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As far as quarks are concerned, everything you've ever seen has been made of up and down quarks exclusively. Protons are uud, neutrons are udd, electrons aren't made of quarks at all.

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All are particles of matter; quarks are the components of protons and neutrons and are considered as fundamental fermionic particles.

How small is a quarks?

Quarks can actually vary greatly in size. The most common types of Quarks are Up and Down (scientists are not the most creative when it comes to names) and they have the mass of about 1/400 and 1/200 (respectfully) the mass of a proton. But some quarks, like the Top quark (another uncreative name) has the mass of the entire Tunston atom.

How many quarks are in protons and neutrons?

Protons and neutrons, like all hadrons, are comprised of three quarks each.

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78937354 if they are all the same size 78937354 if they are all the same size 78937354 if they are all the same size