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No. Acid rain is just one type of pollution out of many.

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Q: Are acid rain and pollution the same thing?
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Is acid the same thing as rainwater?

well you can have acid rain but not all rain is acid rain

Why is rain slightly acidic even without pollution?

there are still gases in the atmosphere without any other sulfur oxide evaporating like nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide.

Why don't the countries that cause the most acid rain always suffer the the most damage?

It is because of wind. When it rains does it only effect one area? No, the cloud can shift and move somewhere else. This is the same thing with acid rain. It goes into a cloud and whenever that cloud drops rain it drops the "acid".

What does an acid rain cloud look like?

Just the same as ordinary clouds. It's when the individual raindrops are falling that they absorb the sulfur and other gases from factory and vehicle pollution.

Is acid gases the same as acid rain?

no,one is a liquid the other is a gas

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What is the effect of acid rain do to national mounments?

acid rain contains sulfur dioxide which is an acid, which then dissolves the surface of monuments, this is a slow process. also acid snow can do the same

How can you tell normal rain from acid rain?

All acid rain aspects are from water pollution and normal pollution. Please add something if necessary.+++Not so much add as modify! :-) Acid rain results when the water absorbs certain gases in the atmosphere to become acidic. This happens naturally anyway, by dissolving Carbon Dioxide to form the very weak Carbonic Acid; but the main acid-rain producing pollutant is Sulphur Dioxide from imperfect combustion of oil or coal containing sulphur.

Probabllity it will rain tomorrow 0.25 then the probiblity it will not rain tomorrow is?

why it would be rain tomorrow i thing but today they were rain and then tomorrow it would be the same thing..

Is sulfuric and muratic acid the same?

Muratic acid is another name for hydrochloric acid, so it is not the same thing as sulfuric acid.

What are some environmental issues in Slovakia?

air pollution from metallurgical plants presents human health risks; acid rain damaging forests in Slovakia. i found this on a website somewhere. hope this helps you somehow. Its funny because i am doing a project on the very same thing; Environmental problems in Slovakia and i can't find ANYTHING....except this.

How does acid rain affect peoples lives?

* acid rain damages crops because it increases the acidity of soil. * acid rain corrodes buildings and structures especially those made of marble such as taj mahal. * acid rain causes acidification of water in the lakes and rivers which causes the destruction of living things in water.