

Antimatter -the ultimate energy

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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even though antimatter is powerfull epesally with the amount of enenergy it can make if you stored it all in a battery it last thousands of years! but sorry to burst your bubble to a cleaner future but it uncontainibel energy (meaning it can't be contained ) becase it turns all matter into pure energy. becase that's how it make so much power and even after that progress no element can suvive it's lethal powers. 2 even if somethig could contain it's extereme power they only make 0.0000003 grams per year at 300,000,000 dollars per gram so no inyour liftime

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What are the advantages of using antimatter?

Currently antimatter is only used for scientific research as it is very expensive to obtain. In the future antimatter could be used for anything that requires energy such as producing electricity.

Is it true that by touching antimatter man converts into antimatter?

No. If ordinary matter touches antimatter both are annihilated and turned into pure energy. The amount of energy released would be enormous. Using Einstein's E=mc2 we find that contact with even a few grams of antimatter would generate an explosion comparable in magnitude to the detonation of an atomic bomb.

What is the theory of creation of matter and antimatter from nothing?

You are giving the definition for the Big Bang Theory.

Somebody told your friend that if an antimatter alien ever set foot upon the Earth the whole world would explode into pure radiant energy?

This has some truth in it. When antimatter and matter collide, they change into energy, so the world could in theory be destroyed. Antimatter-matter collisions produce huge amounts of energy.

If an astronaut landed on a planet made of antimatter there would be an explosion and what?

The matter of the astronaut causes the antimatter to anhilate each other, creating energy close to the energy produced by the equation E=mc2.

What is the efficiency of antimatter?

As much as 50% of energy produced in reactions between nucleons and antinucleons is carried away by neutrinos in these applications. It is theoretically possible to retain as much as 100% of the energy in an Antimatter reaction.

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How can you show that plants are the ultimate source of energy?

plants are not the ultimate source of energy. It is the sun which is the ultimate source of energy to this planet

Is antimatter a possible energy solution?

Yes and no. In order for a technology to perform well as an alternative energy solution, it has to yield much more energy than is expended in producing that form of energy. Plus, it has to be somewhat readily attainable, given our existing state of technological advancement. In the case of matter-antimatter reactions (such as proton-antiproton collisions), 100% of the matter from both matter and antimatter forms combines to convert to pure energy. So, it seems very promising as, not only an abundant source of energy, but also a clean one. However, currently, it takes a great amount of energy to create antimatter (in particle accelerators) and to try to contain it. Separating, channeling, and containing antimatter is another difficult task. As antiparticles are created, we need a means of quickly separating them from regular matter and then containing them in a "magnetic bottle" (a container that generates a magnetic field so as to trap the antimatter in a partial vacuum, so as to prevent it from escaping to react with standard matter). So, while we may discover a means of stockpiling antimatter in the future to be used as a clean, abundant energy source, we do not have that ability at the present time.

Can anti matter be used as a weapon?

In theory, it might. But consider the following practical considerations:1. Antimatter wouldn't really produce energy, only store it. You need energy to produce antimatter.2. Storing it for a prolonged period of time poses immense practical problems. If antimatter meets normal matter, they will mutually destroy each other. This means that normal containers can't be used to store antimatter.

When matter created gravity as antimatter why not create anti-gravity?

"Antimatter" is not negative mass. Mass is a positive quantity for both matter and antimatter. So gravity is always attractive, even if one of the masses in the relationship happens to be antimatter. If such a thing as negative mass exists, then the forces between it and a lump of normal mass would be repulsive ones. Antimatter is observed routinely, but no evidence of negative mass has ever been observed. When matter & antimatter annihilate energy is released per E = mc2 where m corresponds to the sum of their masses. If the antimatter had negative mass then instead of a positron/electron annihilation releasing energy corresponding to twice the electron mass (as it does) the mass of the electron and negative mass of the positron would cancel resulting in no energy release (this does not happen). This proves that both matter & antimatter have positive mass, without even referring to gravity. As they both have positive mass their gravity will be attractive not repulsive.