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Q: Airplanes are used for travel because they are?
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Related questions

How were airplanes used?

To travel

Who used airplanes in 1900?

Nobody did, because there were no successful airplanes then

Why do big airplanes travel in the stratosphere?

Because that's more efficient.

How did people used to travel before airplanes were invented?


What people used airplanes for back in the days?

Travel and or shipping things to other places.

Were airplanes invented to prove that air travel was better than train or sea?

Airplanes were invented because people wanted to fly like birds.

Why is the invention of airplanes important?

The invention of airplanes was so impotant because it could travel farther and faster and it became a new level of fighting in war.

Why is alumminium used in airplanes?

Because it is light and strong.

What are the advantages of airplanes?

Airplanes reduce travel time. and they are also a safer way to travel.

Howwhy do we have airplane?

we have airplanes for transportation, aka moving from place to place. It is the fastest way to travel at the moment. Other airplanes are used as fighters, which means they are used for shooting other planes, or for dropping bombs.

What did robert clive travel in.?


How have airplanes affected travel?

Airplanes had expedited traveling and could travel over any terrain. Land, Sea, Mountain,etc...