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at least 1800 a day.

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Q: Age of 23 height 5.1 how much calories should take a day?
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How many calories should a 9 year old boy have a day?

If it is a guy of 9 years of age average height and weight and does 30-60 minutes of exersize a day he should take about 1800 calories a day if a girl average height a weight 30-60 minutes of exersize a day then she should take about 1600 calories a day

How many calories should a 15 st man take in daily?

The number of calories you should eat each day depends on several factors, including your age, size, height, sex, and lifestyle. In general a man should take in 2,500 to 2,700 calories per day.

How many calories should a 100 pound girl take in?

It depends on her age, height, and many other factors.

How much calories should a 15 year old take in a day?

it depends on your height. try not to eat more than 2000 though. id aim for between 1200-1600

How many calories we should take per day?

Men should take in 2,700 calories per day. Women should take in 2,000 calories.

How many calories should a 22year old height 5 ft girl take to reduce weight?

You need to burn more calories throughout the day than you end up intaking.

How many calories should a 16year old female take a day?

about 2000 calories a day. It depend on how much exercise you do a day

If your are 130 pounds how many calories should you take in?

It really depends on a lot of other factors, like height and gender and age and activity level.

How many calories should a 14-year-old girl consume daily if she is 5 feet 3 inch?

She should take about 1400 calories depending how much she excersises

How many calories should a 5'7 14 year old take in per day?

you should be eating around 2000 to 2500 calories a day depending on how much exercize you get. =)

How many calories should you eat for lunch with a total calorie intake of 2200kcal per day?

500 calories is all you need. But the total no. of calories each person can in take in a day, depends on his height and age which you can easily find out on any website.

How much calories does an average person eats a day?

Depends on the person. Our daily intake is supposed to be 2,000 calories a day. But, everyone has different height, weight, age, disabilities, and stress that people tend to take different amount of calories each day.