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You haven't been exposed to blackleg (a Clostridial bacterial infection) as the vaccine is a killed vaccine, but it would be a good idea to keep a close watch on how you feel for the next week and watch the accidental injection site as well. If you start to run a fever or notice swelling, redness or pain around the injection site, see a human doctor immediately and let them know this was an accidental needle stick from a cattle vaccine.

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Q: After you gave a cow with blackleg a shot you accidentally stuck yourself with the needle can you get the disease?
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If you mean - that you've accidentally pricked yourself with a used needle... seek medical advice immediately !.. 'Dirty' needles can carry diseases such as hepatitis - or (worse) HIV or AIDS. You should get yourself tested ASAP !

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It's normally called a needle stick, or an occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens.

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Yes, you can get infected by using the same needle more than once! ---- You can also contract any disease that your "friend" has by using the same needle. Have you heard of HIV/AIDS?

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No, a nerve may have been accidentally contacted by the LP needle.

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Yes if you still need the needle to pierce yourself it is cool but not someone else because it is you needle now that it went through your lip.

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"TRUE YOU CAN" You can get HIV from using a dirty needle so clearly do so is crazy! Even if you get pricked accidentally you can contract the disease, there will be an agonising wait while you wait to see if you are infected or not.

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An "hypodermic injection" or in the US a "shot".