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the bus driver didn't want to drive them, so they went looking for a job

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George ended up traveling with Lennie because Lennie's Aunt Clara, who had cared for him before, had passed away. George promised Aunt Clara that he would look after Lennie, so he felt responsible for him and chose to stay by his side.

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Q: According to george how did he end up traveling with Lennie?
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Who did george end up traveling with Lennie?

george kills Lennie

Is Lennie Of Mice and Men alive?

By the end of the book, Lennie is shot and dies by the hand of George.

What George did in Of Mice and Men?

In John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men, George is a migrant worker traveling with his friend Lennie during the Great Depression. George takes care of Lennie, who has a cognitive disability, and dreams of owning their own piece of land where they can live off the fat of the land. Tragically, George is ultimately forced to make a difficult decision regarding Lennie's fate to protect him from suffering.

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because to lennie his jokes didnt have an end. like it was serious to him, he would do what george would tell him to do even if it able to kill him

How is Lennie dealt with in the end of the novel?

In the end of "Of Mice and Men," George chooses to shoot Lennie as an act of mercy, to spare him from a more brutal and uncertain fate at the hands of others. This decision is made out of love and compassion, as George did not want Lennie to suffer in a harsh world that he wouldn't be able to navigate on his own.

Where are George and Lennie when Lennie kills that one girl in the beginning of 'Of Mice and Men'?

George and Lennie are at a ranch in Weed, California when Lennie accidentally kills the girl. They had just arrived at the ranch looking for work and were met with hostility from the townspeople.

Where does Lennie return to at the end of the book of mice and men?

Lennie returns to the place that George told him to go to if anything went wrong - a designated spot by the river. George finds him there and makes the difficult decision to prevent Lennie from being captured and killed by the other men.

What did george do once that made him stop joking on lennie?

George told Lennie to jump into the water, and Lennie who could not swim nearly drowned. George went in to save him and Lennie still thanked him even though he was the one that told him to jump in the first place.

Why does george kill Lennie in the end of mice amd men?

George kills Lennie to spare him from a crueler fate at the hands of others. Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, and George knows that Lennie's intellectual limitations make it impossible for him to survive on his own in a society that might seek vengeful justice. George takes it upon himself to mercifully end Lennie's life to protect him from further harm.

What happened to the dream at the end of the novel for both Lennie and George?

At the end of the novel "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, Lennie and George's shared dream of owning a piece of land together is shattered. George is forced to make the difficult decision to mercifully end Lennie's life to protect him from a violent mob seeking vengeance. This act destroys their dream of a better future, leaving George alone and devastated.

Why does george say that they cannot let Lennie escape to live on his own?

George says this because he knows that Lennie is mentally challenged and cannot take care of himself. He believes that Lennie would be a danger to himself and likely end up in trouble without supervision. Additionally, George feels a sense of responsibility for Lennie's well-being, as they have been companions for a long time.

What is George attitude towards Lennie in the first section why does he stay with Lennie?

George is protective of Lennie and demonstrates a sense of responsibility towards him. He stays with Lennie because he feels a sense of companionship and loyalty towards him, despite the challenges that come with caring for someone with Lennie's disabilities.