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A patient of HIV has a weakened immune system because the virus kills the red blood cells. It is therefore important for HIV patients to protect themselves from bacteria by seeking medical help regularly.

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Q: A patient has HIV and therefore a weakened immune system. which of the following precaution measure would best protect the patient from common bacteria?
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What are substances made from weakened viruses or bacteria?

Inoculations (for immunization) are substances made from weakened viruses or bacteria.

How does a weakened cell membrane cause bacteria to die?


What is a fluid containing weakened disease causing viruses of bacteria?

its a vaccine

What fluid contains weakened disease causing viruses or bacteria?

filter,diatom,bacteriophage,or vaccine

What fluid contains weakened disease-causing viruses or bacteria?

filter,diatom,bacteriophage,or vaccine

What do you call a substances that contains weakened bacteria or viruses that is injected to produce immunity to a disease?

These substances are called "vaccines".

What do vaccines do to white blood cells?

nothing. vaccines insert a dead or weakened form of the virus or bacteria into your bloostream.

How was slavery weakened in the years following the war?

Slavery wasn't just "weakened" after the Civil War. Slavery was abolished by the Civil War, and by President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation.

What did Louis Pasteur prove or disprove?

His experiments showed the following: 1) Life can not spontaneously generate -- it can only come from other life. 2) Fermentation results from microscopic organisms. 3) Injecting weakened bacteria into an animal can result in that animal becoming immune to disease from that same bacteria, even if the second exposure is to bacteria at full strength. This basic idea was later found to work with viruses as well.

Was Louis Pasteur discovery an accident or intentionally?

All of Pasteur's discoveries -- and he was responsible for quite a few -- were the result of experiments that were carefully planned, executed, and documented. The one exception was in discovering that infecting chickens with weakened cholera bacteria resulted in the chickens being resistent to all forms of that same bacteria. This happened after both Pasteur and his assistent failed to infect the chickens with "strong" bacteria, later infecting them with the weakened bacteria culture, and then documenting that doing the latter made the chickens sick, but did not kill them. It was an accident that the chickens were infected with weakened bacteria, but it was Pasteur's insight to then infect these same chickens with full strength germs, and his scientific insight to document exactly what he had done and what the results were.

What injection Contains weakened bacteria?

The injection that contains weakened bacteria is called a live attenuated vaccine. This type of vaccine is created by modifying the bacteria so that it is weakened or unable to cause disease, but still capable of stimulating an immune response. Live attenuated vaccines are used to prevent diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox.

What is immunity how can it be introduced in human?

immunity is protection from a bacteria and it can be obtained by introducing a dead/weakened version of that organism into the blood stream or muscles, i.e. a vaccine