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Q: A disorder of the nervous system in which the patient experiences seizures is?
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How does tetnus disease affect the nervous system?

The patient comes to you with deadly smile on the face. This smile is called as risus sardonicus. A continuous smile on face should give you clue to the diagnosis. Shortly the patient starts to give classical seizures. The seizures are evoked by light or the sound also. If you are able to keep him alive for three weeks, he will recover. In this disease very minute amount of tetanus toxin is fixed in the nervous system.

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Some experts believe that dissociative identity disorder is the patient's way of dissociating himself or herself from previous traumatic experiences. Others have proposed that dissociative identity disorder is caused or made worse by certain types of therapy.

Why are split brain operations done?

Split Surgeries are performed to rid a patient of epilepsy. Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes chronic seizures. Epileptic seizures are caused by an amplification of abnormal brain activity bouncing back and forth between the two cerebral hemispheres. Separating the two hemispheres, by severing the corpus callosum, makes the seizures go away. The first patient who had a split brain surgery joked afterwards that he had a splitting headache.

Why ask a patient if they have a history of seizures?

Many medications and medical treatments can induce seizures or negitively affect those people with a history of seizures.

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You have started having seizures and this is all they are saying?

It can take a while to fully diagnose the cause of seizures. First it has to be established that they are happening, which appears to have been done, now they have to try and find out why. That will take tests, time and talking to the patient and others who have witnessed the seizures.

What do visual seizures consist of?

Auditory seizures affect the part of the brain that controls hearing and cause the patient to imagine voices, music, and other sounds.