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Q: A country in Africa that touches Sudan Kenya and democtatic republic of Congo?
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Which country touches Lesotho?

South Africa, on all sides (which means Lesotho is an enclave)!

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What is the latest country in Africa?

Republic of South Sudan is the latest country in Africa.

What is the country of Cape Town?

This is a city not a country. It is located in South Africa.

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The southernmost region in Africa is the Republic of South Africa. The southernmost country in Africa is the country of South Africa.

What type of country is Central Africa Republic?

The Central African Republic is a presidential republic.

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It is a country in the continent of Africa.

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The republic of Mali

Is Botswana a African country?

No Botswana is not part of South Africa.It is a country on its own independently. ________________________________ No, but Botswana is in southern Africa. South Africa is short for the Republic of South Africa. The Republic of South Africa is a country also situated in southern Africa. It is south of Botswana.

What continent is demacratic republic of Congo in?

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a country in Africa.

What country touches pacific Indian and Atlantic oceans?

South Africa touches the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Chile touches the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and although the boundaries are not fully recognized Australia touches the Pacific and Indian Oceans. No Country touches all three.

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The Republic of South Africa